
Annual reports, the summarization of research findings, newsletters and the like. Click on any image to toggle back and forth between an enlarged image and the main reports page.

A selection of pages from a World Bank Group report. At just under 100 pages, the Financial Inclusion and Consumer Protection report, houses survey results charged with highlighting 2022 data as well as a comparison between the recent year’s data and 2017. The challenge with this report was in the sheer number of charts (49), tables (49), and box-callouts (13); as well as the need to organize the review of initial and subsequent drafts of the charts. More than one person had to approve of the visualizations and so it was imperative to have a strong sense of organization. If viewing on your phone, swipe to navigate.

Two highly customized reports for The Brookings Institution. Almost every page in each report is decidedly illustrative. The tone is inspirational in nature and therefore copy has been kept to a minimum. If viewing on your phone, swipe to navigate.

A selection of pages from a Policyware brief.

A selection of pages from a Bankable Frontier Associates report.

A selection of brief pages for heal-3.

A selection of brochure pages created for the Mary Brennan INN (pro bono).

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